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Cheat Sheet

Here is a cheat sheet to help you make the most of Autoconf and Automake.


Useful Macros

AC_INIT: Initialize the package information.

AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE: Initialize automake.

AM_SILENT_RULES: Enable the use of silent-rules.

AM_PROG_AR: Enable ar in automake.

AC_PROG_RANLIB: Check if the system has ranlib.

AC_PROG_CC: Check if a compiler is available.

AX_COMPILER_FLAGS: Check if a compiler has this list of flags.

AC_CONFIG_FILES: List of the files (here, Makefiles) to generate with autoconf.

AC_OUTPUT: To generate a Makefile.


SUBDIRS: List of subdirectories which contain

%D%: Current directory.

bin_PROGRAMS: Binaries to produce.

<target>_SOURCES: Sources for a target.

<target>_CFLAGS: CLFAGS for a target.

<target>_LDFLAGS: LDFLAGS for a target.

<target>_CPPFLAGS: CPPFLAGS for a target.

<target>_LDADD: Other targets to link.

noinst_LIBRARIES: Libraries not to be installed.