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42sh Implementation

At all times, you MUST keep in mind that this is the order of priority of instructions in case of conflicting information:

  1. The subject
  2. The SCL
  3. The behavior of bash --posix

1. Non-existing Shell Script

What is the expected behavior when trying to parse a command from a shell script which does not exist? For instance:

42sh$ 42sh


This will not be tested so you can do whatever you want.

2. Variable Expansions in for Loops

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When running the given test, we notice that bash --posix displays "hello world" with one space. However, our program displays "hello world" with two spaces. Is that due to us not having handled the IFS yet?

Given test:

for a in " hello $@ world "
echo $a;


Before Step 4, you do not handle field splitting, therefore it is normal for the output to differ. Indeed, since $a is not quoted in echo $a, variable expansion occurs at that point in the program, resulting in one space only with bash --posix thanks to the IFS.

3. Implementation Defined Features

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The SCL specifies in rule #1 of cd, regarding the HOME environment variable, that the default behavior is implementation-defined. What should we do about that?

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Section 2.8.2 of the SCL reads:

The exit status of a command that terminated because it received a signal shall be reported as greater than 128.

How can we check that we have the correct exit status?


This means that you are free to do whatever you deem best-fitting. These cases will not be tested.

4. "**" Operator in Arithmetic Expansion

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It is said that we have to implement the "**" operator. However, it is not POSIX compliant. Do we have implement it regardless?


Yes. You can mimic the behavior of bash --posix.

5. Redirection Grammar Imprecision

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For redirections, the grammar does not expect a IONUMBER at the end of the rule:

redirection =
[IONUMBER] ( '>' | '<' | '>>' | '>&' | '<&' | '>|' | '<>' ) WORD

Should we not handle cases such as 2>&1? If not, I do not understand the use of <& when an IONUMBER is not given at the end.


Both the subject and the SCL specify a WORD token and NOT an IONUMBER at the end. However, in the case of >& and <&, if the WORD is neither a valid number nor -, the behavior is not specified (sections 2.7.5 and 2.7.6). Thus, we do not test this.

6. Non-XBD Name Expansion Inconsistency

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In a for Loop, when the variable does not correspond to a XBD name such as:

for % in a b c; do echo $%; done;

Should we return an exit code between 1 and 125, inclusive, and halt execution because the error is within the expansion, or should we proceed by displaying 2?


In this case, bash --posix is not compliant with the SCL: the SCL specifies that the for Loop variable must respect XBD for the grammar to be valid. However, bash --posix allows, at parsing, for non-XBD-compliant variables. Thus, the error is only noticed at execution, and only halts execution when --posix is invoked. We will not test this.

7. Redirection Towards Stream

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When testing echo toto 1>&- using bash --posix and dash, the SCL's requested behavior is not observed. Normally, fd 1 (stdout) should be closed. However, if an echo is run after, such as echo tata, tata is displayed on stdout. Which behavior should we follow?


Redirections are only effective in the execution context of the command(s) they are associated with. For this example, fd 1 should be closed when executing echo toto, then restored. This applies for all types of redirections.

8. Variable Declaration Inconsistency with Builtins

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Using bash --posix and dash, the following script

abc=3 . ./non-existing.file
echo $abc

results in:

.: cannot open ./non-existing.file

The same script with another builtin does not declare the variable abc:

abc=3 echo test$abc
echo test$abc

results in:



In the SCL, the dot builtin's description does not specify this behavior. Should we reproduce it or is it an imprecision?


dot is a Special Built-in Utility. According to rule 2.9.1 of the SCL, if the command to execute is a Special Built-in Utility, then the assignment should affect the shell's environment, and not just the command itself. However, this will not be tested. Furthermore, echo is described as neither a Built-in Utility nor a Special Built-in Utility, but as a simple Utility. Therefore, every variable assignment linked to the command must remain within the scope of the command itself.